Life Is Not A Dress Rehearsal

 We are all dressed up in the lives we are living and sometimes it feels like practice but make no mistake this is the show. The big improvisation that you never will get to rehearse, you just have to play it out and whether you like it or not you have to perform this performance out in the open, available to all the eyes of the world. So instead of running off to hideaway I hope we will all find it in us to improvise. As far as me I believe in heavens bigger than the human mind can comprehend but I also find this life to be like a piece of China from one of the first dynasties, It is one of a kind, it is beautiful, it is the most valuable and it is fragile. It was made all dressed up just like us and it never got to rehearse and one day it will crack and become something entirely different. Just the same so will we soon and when we wake up on the other side I've got a pretty good feeling there will be no rehearsal. Wake up dressed up and it's already time to play the show.

So Quick...

  It feels like I just got started and the show is well on its way to reaching halftime. Just a moment ago I was a child and I was innocent even when I walked on the wrong side of the tracks. Now I'm still walking but every once in a while I notice I'm on the other side of things in life but who is to say what is the right or wrong way to be and or live your life. I think most of us would be a fool to tell someone the way to do this because deep down, way down we all know we have no idea what we are doing. Although I think be slow to figure it out because I have an uncanny feeling that once you do figure it out, that's it. Say goodbye. So as fast as things are going, I recommend holding onto anything you can that is worth it for as long as you can. Either way it is going to go so quick. Try to take some pretty pictures in your heart along the way. 

Practice Makes Perfect...

 Much like life I really can no longer look at what my band and I did tonight as practices. It really was a once in a lifetime performance. Even the songs we were learning, it was all such an awesome experience if you can just take a breath, sit back, have a real good look and a listen. They are all a pieces of the puzzle, a piece of the show. Even if it is only for us three and the few others roaming around that basement studio. When it comes down to it we played a show tonight and it really was beautiful. We were improvising our asses off, playing two new instrumentals, pulling out two new covers and performed every other song in our catalog on top of it. It all felt really good, it sounded good and when it comes down to it. It was not a dress rehearsal, it was life and we just happen to be the kind of people dressed up in songs, guitars, basses and drums. It is the best thing living music with your friends because if you do it right you become dressed up in each others lives and music, music, music. Music is a lot like love, nothing will ever be perfect but you know when you hit the right note, and practice in a basement is just as live as a show in Soldiers Field will ever be.

Mastering Moving On...

  So tonight before our band played Chris loaded his final mixes of our album "Solid Rocket Boosters" onto Johns usb drive, then we jammed out the way we do. I got home, plugged in the little drive and got all the finished wav files into my computer. They are now being sent over to Eric Peterson of one of the premier production studios in Los Angeles California to be mastered. Although this may have fell short of the albums we all dream of making as a band in the near future it is our hearts and souls on a cd and it is more than a hop, a skip and a jump in the right direction. I am extremely excited about our album because it really did come out great and when you consider we did everything on our own the perspective changes drastically. Chris really stepped up to the plate on getting some equipment to record with and we all stepped up in getting out there, bringing our equipment, our talents, material, skills, love for music and each other to the table. In the end Chris really threw down on mixing the tracks. He had help from us with what we could hear but he really was for the most part on his own with such a giant task. He did well, we did well and we will only get better. Overall I love our album and what we have accomplished just the three of us and a little help from some friends. I will cherish it forever and we did it together. You should buy it, I would. Like I said before this is not a dress rehearsal.

Where To From Here...

  As much as we all think we do things the way we want when we want, like we are guiding our paths. I often think it really may be out of our control to some extent. So many plans I've made that were never executed, so many paths I've ran that ended in a dead end. Then casting me into another direction that somehow seemed to flow down the river until I crashed into the rocks. Next thing I know I'm up on the shore and there is some girl on a black horse asking if I need a ride home and do I know where home is. I forgot I say and she says get on. So from thinking I could walk around the corner and find my dreams I am now riding down the side of a mountain with some wild eyed girl on a pitch black horse and I have no idea where we are going and if I will even make it out alive. I love it and as my arms are wrapped around her hanging on for dear life down that mountain side, my face to her shoulder I crack a smile because somewhere deep down I remember this is no dress rehearsal. Improvise my friends. In other words live...

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