Blind Flop River

The Blind...

  I often wonder why life is the way it is for most and the way it is for just a few. We all have a friend or two and in some cases many friends that are lightning around us. They really shine at something and everything is going good for them. Crazy thing is they love you and they pick you up high when they come around because they intentionally rub it off on you. I guess I'm not sure everyone has these but I wish they did, Just the real thing. I'm talking about the Rock n Roll Stars, the Movie Gods and the Princesses of the Oceans in your life. The ones you want to defend, the ones you love, because they are real and you know it first hand. They are not usually the ones making millions of dollars off a leading role or raking in the mortgage for an LA mansion off a face shot on a Vogue mag and they aren't typically Rocking triple platinum history. They are just the ones that could be if their cards play out right.

The Flop...

  This is a part of life a lot of amazing people get snagged on. I'm here right now and I say if you don't have the best times you can possibly have all over the place then I will say you may have  done this all wrong. In this particular game of Life I mean, bet high, bet it all. That really is just me though, like my great friend the other day asked me what I was doing with my music, my life and there was a thousand things to say but I kind of laid back like I do, especially because I don't like to talk about me, especially on the Flop ha.  Anyhow I told him "well I made a website, trying to finish the album with my band, almost done and get a shit load of shows going. He said that's good my music is just collecting dust. This man is gorgeous physically, soulfully, artistically and mentally. He is one I speak of above. We used to perform and write together, now I just need to get him going again. He has a good job but it is not of  his rock n roll dreams. He was meant for this. Anything can happen here though. It is the Flop. This is where you decide to stay in the game or not. I'm not always the one with fancy friends, every once in a while I am the fancy friend. When need be I'm here...

The River...

   This is where you have to win. Like I mean win or lose you have to turn this into a win or less of a loss but you still have time. 

 The line above would work perfect if we were playing Poker but this post was about life. In the river I guess we find out where we stand in the game of luck even in life but if things aren't looking so good I recommend a good ole fashioned bluff. If you made it this far then you are entitled. Play life like you're 5 years old. Remember show and tell. This is when you get to show. MY TURN...


1 comment:

  1. Shannon I love where you're going with this blog. Keep up the good work.
