I wanted my first blog post to be something special, something that sets the tone and gives our readers something to look forward to as we move ahead. Easier said than done, (I’d say If you only knew but deep down you all do). Should I talk about the path that led us all here? What’s ahead for us? Or maybe both of those things. I could easily discuss what makes me tick, what inspires me and why I do what I do. Let’s see if we can make this place something special and I hope all of you get the chance to peer into my world a little bit.
First Comes The Gratitude...
Truth be told, our band is built from the ground up. At my shoulders I have the best. Chris McGowan (Bass) and John Park(Drums) is the band I always hoped and prayed would happen. There are no heavy labels, managers, big shot investors, daddy’s bank accounts, or the family celebrity types holding us up. The only thing we have is each other, our music, and as it stands we have some of the most beautiful and talented friends that even Hollywood should get a hold of one day. A lot of amazing people have helped my band and our music along the way and to all of which I hold the highest regard.
There are so many names and the list just keeps growing. Adam Sacharoff, Nicholas Dobric, Matt Relstab, Jessica Chou, Sammy So, Yuen Yee Lam, Lisa Horna, Mark Watland, Frank Gonzales, Joe Lim and every friend, every fan that we got to share and have a good time with ever. Thank you for supporting us and our original rock n roll all this time. Without you all, there is no Rock n Roll. It’s what it’s all about.
Then, a genius also comes to mind. Technology group MacAnywhere right here out of Chicago, and spanning all the way to Phoenix. MacAnywhere is led by two individuals, Nicholas Dobric and Michael Betzel. We knew right away it was the right relationship because these guys are as passionate about their work as we are. Nick stepped in with his resources and helped us create an online platform on a low musicians budget. We have had a blast along the way working with them in the wee hours of the night and throughout the days leading up to this launch. Not many know that Nick and his partner Mike are both nearly 20 year veterans with technology dating back to when they built their own machines as kids, and there was barely an internet as we know it. So a big thank you is in order to MacAnywhere, Nick, and all that they do and have done for us. Their personal and professional approach rang loud. I really would love to keep them all to myself but much like my band we have to move on to the next town.
The names just keep coming and there’s just no room on a screen for them all. Thank you, and you, and you...and you over there. We will never forget.
Then Came The Heartbeat...
There are so many nooks and crannies of this world, all bearing great surprise and sources of inspiration. As a musician, you never know where your next creative vein is going to come from. That’s what excites my band, as well as myself. We love what we do, we love the people we do it for. If we could inspire one person in a crowd as much as we have been inspired, then we are happy. Happy, I think that is my favorite word because it is what I’m knowing we all want to be.
And The Happiness...
Keith Richards of the Rolling Stones once wrote a song called “Happy” and it is truly Happy. He wrote it in a bathroom with the door locked, with an old Gibson Hummingbird in his hand and a needle in the other as he did the best for the Stones. Later on it really did bring a lot of happiness for Keith, for the Stones, for me and millions more. Don’t ask me why but ever since I was a young cat I was inspired by Keith Richards. So much more than anyone else on a musical level. Some people say the Beatles. They sure did do a beautiful run, the best run, but The Stones survived and lived for 40 more years. So to end my first post, I leave you with a nook and cranny. Here are some Keith Richards quotes below. Listen to a wise man...
“Everyone talks about rock these days; the problem is they forget about the roll.”
Keith Richards
“I've never had a problem with drugs. I've had problems with the police.”
Keith Richards
“If you don't know the blues... there's no point in picking up the guitar and playing rock and roll or any other form of popular music.”
Keith Richards
“There's no substitute for live work to keep a band together.”
Keith Richards
“To make a rock' n 'roll record, technology is the least important thing.”
Keith Richards
"We Have Landed... A Long Time Ago"
Shannon Richardson
Shannon I had a great time working on this whole project with you. On behalf of my partner and I, congrats and don't hesitate to call or email with any questions.
And thanks for the kind words!